This is the personal blog of Michelle Cali, creator of Wine Coutures and John8eight. Here she plans to get overly personal with you by giving details of her creative process along with rants and raves about her two favorite subjects- alcohol and weddings. She will write often, (not sure if that's a promise or a threat), so please visit as much as you can tolerate. Enjoy!

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Letter

As many of you may be aware, a while back I applied to my first juried art show. It is call the One of a Kind Show, and is held in Chicago and Canada every year. I had never planned to apply because the entry fee was so high for those who got accepted, ($2,000+). But through a partnership with, the One of a Kind Show was allowing a few unknown designers in for the incredibly low price of just $500. So, with encouragement from my hubby, I applied to the show in Chicago.

Last week I opened my email to find this lovely letter waiting for me from the One of a Kind Show:

Dear 2009 Etsy Artist Pavilion Applicant,

Thank you very much for applying to the 2009 One of a Kind Show & Sale® – Etsy Artist Pavilion.

Over the last few weeks, the jury committee viewed all images and information submitted by each applicant. The applications were judged by category, quality and diversity of the work as well as on the professional experience each artist had in their specific field.

Unfortunately, we are not able to accept your application this year. While we would like to take every artist into the show, space and category limitations prevent us from having the ability to do so.

We thank you for applying to this year’s pavilion, and we encourage you to check our website in January of 2010 for future application postings

Thank you very much for your participation in the application process.

Best Regards,

Kim Runner
Director of Sales Chicago

Yup, my first rejection letter. I'd be lying if I told you I didn't cry. Not that I was conceded enough to think they would just be wowed by my work, but I did hope they would like it enough to count me in. Ray, ever the caring husband, called the judges all sorts of creative names and came to the conclusion that they are all idiots at that show and will regret not selecting my work.

So, I dust off my little ego and get back to work. Lesson learned- if at first you don't succeed, continue your plans for world domination and add the One of a Kind Show to my every growing list of people to enslave first when I become ruler of the world!

Punk Rock Brides

As some of you may remember, I am a member of BridalTweet, a huge bridal community. Since I joined, I have been meeting some truly awesome people who are changing the face of the bridal industry. I'm all about artist going against tradition and alternative styles.

One such person I've met recently is Jessica Warrick. She is the owner of Jessica's Custom Invitations, She is also the writer behind a great new blog called Punk Rock Brides,

The blog is still fairly new, but I'm already a fan. She is a voice to watch out for. Don't be surprised if soon you'll be hearing her name as a professional in the field of punk/retro weddings.